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 A love that lasts forever Ch. 1 (Ongoing series)

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A love that lasts forever Ch. 1 (Ongoing series) Empty
PostA love that lasts forever Ch. 1 (Ongoing series)

Note: This story contains gay M/M romance and Mpreg

Summery: Caleb, a young wolf shifter, has been promised as a mate to the brother of his pack's Alpha. Terrified of being mated to this man who is cruel and doesn't particularly like omega's, Caleb flees his pack and the unwanted mating. While on the run he meets Rhys and the two fall in love. After the birth of their pup, Rhys plans to take Caleb to his own pack where his older brother is Alpha. Unfortunately, tragedy strikes and Caleb is faced with an uncertain future. Will Quinton, Rhys' brother, accept Caleb into Back River pack or will Caleb be cast out...or worse?

                                                                               Chapter One

            Caleb screamed in pain. Another contraction hit and he nearly passed out.

"Push!" Rhys demanded. "Come on baby, you can do this."

"No." Caleb panted heavily. "I'm going to die."

"You're not." Rhys grabbed Caleb's hand and held firm while he looked into his omega's eyes. "I will not let that happen! You have to trust me."

"I do." Caleb squinted his eyes closed as another contraction ripped through him. "I trust you."

"Good." Rhys touched Caleb's forehead. "You're close. I can already see the head. Just one more push and I think..."

His sentence was cut off as Caleb let loose with one last, gut wrenching, scream, pushing with everything he had and suddenly, the baby slid out. Caleb collapsed back onto the mattress. Just like that and the pain was gone. He wanted to sleep after so much exertion and honestly, he nearly had, but concern for the newborn took over and he forced himself to sit up. Well, to try and sit up. His body was weak and heavy.

"It's not crying." He whimpered, the fear evident in his voice. "Why isn't it crying?"

"Give me a second." Rhys told him. "I have to clear his airway." Rhys laid the newborn on the mattress and gently, using a bulb syringe, suctioned the mucus from it's nose and mouth then, using a clean rag, he just as gently wiped away any excess mucus. The infant coughed and within seconds cried out with a wail so loud and powerful that Caleb was instantly set at ease.

"Wow." Caleb said in a ragged voice, a weak smile stretched against his pale lips. "Kid has some lungs."

"I think we have a tiny alpha here." Rhys smiled proudly.

Caleb grinned. "I think you're right."

Caleb struggled to push himself up from the bed. "Let me hold him."

"I need to get him cleaned up first." Rhys explained as he looked around for the length of string he'd set aside to tie off the cord. He found it laying on the table next to the bed, along with a pair of scissors, and a bottle of rubbing alcohol. "Rest while I get you both cleaned up. Then you can hold him."

"Alright." Caleb lay back against the pillow again, this time letting his eyes drift closed. He fought back sleep but it did no good. He was spent but it was okay. He had nothing to worry about now. Rhys would keep him safe. He'd keep them both safe. Caleb trusted him. He trusted in their bond. He knew, without a doubt, that Rhys would move heaven and earth to keep all three of them safe. He had to. Caleb, and now this tiny life they'd created together, they were his to protect. And he'd protect them with his life.

            Caleb awoke to a dark room, illuminated only by the soft glow of the tiny lamp sitting on the night stand next to the bed. He didn't really know how long he'd been asleep but it must have been a while because it was still light out when Rhys had left for the store. Caleb had begged him not to go. He didn't feel safe alone but Rhys assured him he wouldn't be gone that long and besides, they needed food and some things for the baby.
        Formula wasn't an issue. Caleb had already discovered that his milk supply was plentiful enough. He was grateful for that. Human formula wasn't as nutritious for pups as the natural milk produced by their omega parents. In rare cases the pups reject the milk, usually because the omega doesn't produce enough or none at all. In those cases, formula is a necessity if another nursing omega isn't around, or willing to help out, but pups fed on human formula weren't as healthy. For Caleb, who no longer had a pack, milk production was critical.
            But, there were other things they needed. Diapers, baby clothes, and food. Caleb was starving. He knew it was too much to hope for a nice, rare, juicy steak.  That would have really hit the spot but money was scarce and they couldn't risk grilling outside. Stopping at the motel had been risky enough but it couldn't be helped. When Caleb's water broke, Rhys knew they needed to find shelter, and fast. There was no way he'd let his pup be born in the bed of a pick-up truck.
            Still, Caleb wouldn't feel safe until Rhys returned. He looked at the clock on the wall. It was nine PM. Where was Rhys anyway? He shouldn't have been gone this long. Panic seized Caleb's heart for a moment, then he heard the soft whimpering of his newborn and all thoughts turned to that tiny miracle that Rhys had placed safely in a dresser drawer-a make-shift bassinet- surrounded by towels and sat on a chair that he'd pushed up to the side of the bed.
"Shh." Caleb picked the tiny bundle up and held him against his chest, trying to sooth the child before his cries became to loud and alerted someone that they were there. "Your father will be back soon." He crooned. "Just be patient little one." The baby continued to squirm and whimper and Caleb understood why immediately. The towel that Rhys had wrapped him in was soaked.
Caleb sighed. They really should have planned ahead better. Then again, he hadn't planned on going into labor before they'd reached the Black River pack lands. Nothing had turned out the way it was supposed to. He supposed he only had himself to blame for that. If not for him, they wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.
Caleb let the sheet slip down from the front of his chest. Maybe a feeding would take the pups mind off his wet bum or at least keep him still until Rhys returned but before the babe could latch on, the door to their room burst open and Rhys rushed in, in a panic.
"We have to go." He said. His voice insistent and full of fear. "Now!"
Caleb blinked. "Go? Right now? Rhys, I can't. I can barely move. I need more time."

"We don't have more time." Rhys rushed around the room grabbing their clothes and other belongings and stuffing them haphazardly into the duffel bag he'd brought with them. He stopped, suddenly, seeing the alarm in Caleb's eyes. "Baby, I'm sorry." Rhys walked to the bed and carefully touched the side of Caleb's face. "I know this isn't ideal. You need to rest, and time to recover, but we don't have time for that. Not anymore."

Tears stung Caleb's eyes. "What happened? Why were you gone so long?"

"I'd just left the discount store when I noticed someone was following me." Rhys zipped the bag and slung it over his shoulder. Caleb placed the baby back in the drawer and Rhys helped him climb out of the bed. He was stiff and sore all over and Rhys could tell that he was still in considerable pain. Still, Caleb began to dress without complaint, only wincing once or twice, but only briefly as he pushed through the pain.

"It was a black jeep. The one we saw in Denbrough. I drove around for a while, going down back allies, trying to throw them off. I thought I'd lost them but then I saw them turn onto Bowers. I panicked. I didn't know what to do. I sped up and cut across Marsh and Flemming but I know they weren't far behind. I'm sorry. I thought we'd be safe here but they know my truck. It's only a matter of time before they find us."

"You tried." Caleb picked up the baby, holding him close. "That's what matters."

Rhys pulled a clean sheet off the bed, draped it over Caleb's shoulder and around the baby, making a kind of sling. "Let's get going." He told him. "We're not far from Black river. We should be able to make it there if we hurry."

Caleb nodded, then paused at the door. "Rhys, I'm sorry."

Rhys turned, narrowing his eyes. "For what?" He asked.

"All of this. It's my fault." Caleb dropped his gaze, tears filling his eyes again.

Rhys took Caleb by the shoulders, squeezing gently. "Caleb, look at me."

Caleb did as he was told and looked up. Rhys dark, blue, eyes were trained on him, his expression sober and a little hurt. "None of this is your fault. Do you understand me?"

"But I..."

"No." Rhys traced his thumb across Caleb's trembling lip. "You did nothing wrong. Remember that. It's my fault for not protecting you better. I...I failed you."

Caleb's eyes widened. "Rhys, no. You didn't fail me. You did your best. You've done everything you could to keep me safe and to keep our child safe."

Rhys sighed as he pulled Caleb against him, holding him close. "My best wasn't good enough. I've never been a good alpha. You deserve better."

"Don't say that." Caleb felt like sobbing. He pushed his face into Rhys chest. "You are a wonderful alpha. And a wonderful mate. I love you."

Rhys smiled as he kissed the top of Caleb's head. "I love you too, little wolf. I always will. Come on, we have to hurry. The sooner we get to Black River the better."

"I'm ready." Caleb wiped the tears from his eyes. "Let's get this little guy someplace safe. I'm sick of running."

"I know." Rhys put his hand on the small of Caleb's back and led him out the door into the cool night air. "We won't have to run anymore. Not once we get Black River. We'll be safe. My brother will make sure of that."
            Caleb turned around and looked out the back window of the truck. The jeep was closer now. He could see the yellow beams of the head lights cutting through the darkness and lighting up the road behind them.
"Keep your head down." Rhys warned. He pressed down on the accelerator, willing the truck to go faster. The last shot had hit the back of the truck, taking out the passenger side tail light. Caleb gasped and the baby shrieked in his arms. He rocked the pup in his arms but he wouldn't calm. Even so young and he could feel the tension and fear that filled the cab of the truck.
"Is he okay?" Rhys asked. Chancing a quick glance in their direction.
"He's fine." Caleb assured him. "Just scared."
"We're almost there." Rhys told him. "Hold on." He took a sharp left, leaving the main road for a dirt path through the trees just large enough for the truck to squeeze through. He'd hoped the jeep would have lost track of them in the woods but they were still in close pursuit.
"Shit." Rhys hissed when he saw the jeep turn off the road and onto the same dirt path. "These assholes just wont give up."
"They won't risk following us across the line will they?" Rhys could hear the worry in the tone of Caleb's voice.
"No way." Rhys told him. "They wouldn't enter another packs territory without permission. Not unless they want to start a pack war." He hoped anyway but with these guys, wolf God only knew.

Caleb kept low, his upper body leaning over the bundle in his arms, shielding the baby with his body. He was about to venture another peek when he heard the blast of a shot gun and loud shattering. A spray of glass blew into the cab, covering him in a sheen of glistening shards as the back window exploded all around them.

Rhys cried out in pain, the truck swerved and just as Caleb looked up to see Rhys slump over the steering wheel, the truck suddenly collided with a large hickory nut tree directly ahead of them.

Caleb was slung forward, landing on the floor of the truck. His arms tightened around the babe who was now wailing with fright. Caleb groaned as his head hit the bottom of the dash and he was momentarily dazed.

"Caleb." He felt Rhys shaking him and Caleb strained to open his eyes. "Caleb, stay with me."

Caleb looked up, his vision blurred. "Rhys?" He whispered. "What..."

"No time." Rhys kicked at the drivers side door and slid across the seat, pulling Caleb with him. "Come on, Caleb. Get out. The trucks trashed. We have to go on foot."

"But..." Caleb shook his head, trying to regain his senses. He smelled blood and panic suddenly gripped him. He checked the pup. Thankfully he was alright. Sacred and definitely in need of a changing, but uninjured.

"Come on!" Rhys yelled, startling Caleb back to reality. "We have to go, now!"

Caleb slid out of the truck and Rhys pushed him in front. "Look." He pointed ahead of them. "Do you see that path?"

Caleb nodded.

"Good. That path leads to Black River pack territory. Once we cross the line there will be a guard house about thirty yards in. Reach that guard house and we're home free."

"Where's Silver Moon?" Caleb asked, looking back but not seeing anyone. He could hear them though. When the truck careened into the trees the betas in the jeep must have momentarily lost track of them. At least they wouldn't be able to drive into the woods. They'd have to abandon the jeep and follow on foot.

"Don't worry about them." Rhys told him. "Just head down that path. I'll be right behind you."

Caleb did as instructed, looking back once to make sure Rhys was following. He was there, moving slowly and with some difficulty, but he wasn't far behind. Caleb was almost giddy as he ran down the path now only illuminated by the light of the half moon above them. He felt energized suddenly. They were almost there. They'd made it. Black River was just ahead. Finally they could stop running. Finally they'd be safe.

"I can see it!" Caleb shouted back, almost laughing. "Rhys, I can see the guard house."

"Go." Rhys called back. "You can make it, Caleb, go!"

"Rhys?" He sounded so far away. Caleb stopped and turned to look behind him. Rhys had stopped running and was leaning against a tree, trying to catch his breath. Caleb jogged over to him. "Rhys, what's wrong."

"Don't stop." Rhys panted. "Keep going. You can make it."

"What about you? You're coming with us."

Rhys shook his head. "Go on ahead. I'll be there soon."

Caleb wanted to obey, but something wasn't right. He sniffed the air and that's when he smelled it again. The scent of blood. Caleb gasped. "Rhys, you're hurt."

"Don't worry about me." Rhys told him.

"Were you shot?"

"Just my shoulder." Rhys pushed away from the tree. "It hurts, but it's not that bad. I can manage."

"You said there's a clinic." Hope lit up Caleb's eyes. "Lets get to the guard house and they can take you to the clinic."

Rhys shook his head. "Can you hear them? They're getting closer. We're not going to make it unless we split up."

"What? Wait, no!"

"Go on ahead." Rhys told him. "Get to the guard house and get help. I'll hold them off to give you time."

"No, come with me." Caleb started to cry again. The thought of leaving Rhys behind just wasn't an option for him.

"They're only betas." Rhys tried to ease his worries. "I can handle a couple of betas. Just go, get help."

"I won't leave you."

"We don't have time to argue." Rhys narrowed his eyes. "As your alpha I'm ordering you to go. Get the pup to safety, now!"

Caleb frowned. "You promised you'd never order me to do anything."

"Your life and the life of our pup wasn't danger before. Now go, don't disobey me, omega."

"Damn you." Caleb hissed. "You better be right behind me."

"I will be. As soon as I buy you a little time." He looked up, hearing the shouts of the other men coming through the trees, straight for them. "They're almost here, run!"

Caleb turned, doing as he was ordered and ran towards the guard house. When he was far enough down the path, Rhys turned back towards the sound of the others watching as they became visible through the trees.

"Over here." One of them yelled. "We've got them!"

"Not tonight." Rhys growled. He tore open his shirt, ripping it off and throwing it to the ground. Heat tore through him as the change took hold. Bones cracking, limbs changing form and before he knew it, he was on all fours looking at the stunned betas through the eyes of a large, black wolf.

"Shit!" He heard one of them yell. "He's shifted." The betas began discarding their clothes in a flurry as they rushed to shift. The sting of the bullet in Rhys shoulder was painful but he wasn't going to let it stop him from protecting his family. Besides, he was bigger, stronger, and faster then any beta. Even wounded, there was no way they could beat him. That was, until he noticed the glint of metal in the hand of the one betas who hadn't shifted.

Rhys heard the shot before he had time to register what was happening and then the scent of silver as a sharp, burning, pain ripped through him. The other wolves attacked and he lunged forward but the silver bullet that had pierced his side pulled him to the ground as though a large boulder had suddenly been dropped on him. He saw the claws come first, then teeth, and then it all went black.
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